Saturday, December 4, 2010

Self explanitory :o)
This one too. I made this when i had been drinking a lot, but it turned out pretty good i thought :o) Turning 40
I had a surprised birthday party thrown for me and it was awesome! [still making pages of it] I had a pavalova for a cake :o)
Self explanitory...
Oowww it had to come to this eventualy! I have a problem with self dicipline when it comes to drinking. Unfortunatly i drink large [and expensive] amounts of booze when i do drink. And once i start, i don't want to stop. It's a big vicious circle. So...
Self explanitory
Daniel, just lieing in his pram, looking around, contemplating life.
And that he is!
Nom nom
Self explanitory
It's all fun and games until the ambo gets called
After a nice warm week, we get snow? Only in Blayney!
Rose woke up with a terrible tummy bug on her birthday. What are the chances of that?!?
Rose is my favourite medium size person :o)
Once he starts crawling, we are soooo in trouble!
Those eyes
Rose getting baptised. I love the big pic. The water rushing off her looks like the old washing away, leaving the fresh new behind :o)
You rock our world!
Jason got the same aweful tummy bug Rose had.
Merry Christmas!


nine said...

Thank you for your sweet note about Zoe. I'm sorry you lost your kitty, too. I'm proud of you for trying to quit drinking. That is so awesome. I know you can do it. I can tell you are a strong person. When you have a really strong temptation, just close your eyes really tight, pray, and tell yourself to be strong... this moment will pass. and each time you will be stronger and stronger until the desire is no longer there. I had a drinking problem once upon a time.. and it's hard. My hardest thing to quit was smoking. So I know what you are going through. Hang in there!!!!! Merry Christmas to you and your family! XOXO Susie

TitanThirteen said...

Thanks Susie :o)